Saturday 17 February 2007

SWLA's Shameful Ageism

Vicky White ASWLA - BenjaminThe Society of Wildlife Artists (SWLA) has put out an invitation for young artists inspired by nature to apply for SWLA bursaries worth up to £1000. Applicants must be aged from 15 to 30 inclusive. This is rampant ageism! Discriminating against people because of their age is supposed to be illegal in the UK. I'm sure there are many talented amateur painters over 30 who would love a chance like this. Write to the Federation of British Artists, 17 Carlton House Terrace, London SW1Y 5BD to complain about SWLA's disgusting age discrimination. If you're a pesky whippersnapper who wants to apply for a bursary, write "SWLA Bursary" at the top of the address and enclose A4 SAE. Deadline 1 August 2007.


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