Tuesday 25 December 2007

The Fentix Cube

Fentix Cube (2007)Over the past few months Coxsoft Art News has shown a number of scientific images that are more beautiful and more interesting than the daubs of many contemporary artists. Take this Fentix Cube designed by Andrew Fentem. It contains all sorts of sophisticated engineering features which allow it to be pressure-sensitive and to sense its pitch and yaw and to react accordingly. But is it a toy, a work of art, a business card? Depends what you programme it to do. Andrew used to design missile systems for Thorn EMI. Disillusioned with that, he turned his engineering skills to art and has exhibited at London's Kinetica Museum of Kinetic, Electronic and Experimental Art, the first of its kind (CLICK). Following YouTube exposure, his cube looks as though it will be a winner. But in what field?


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