Friday 27 March 2009

Apple Blossom Heist

Sir George Clausen - Apple Blossom (1899)The Somerset home of the Bulmers (members of the cider-making family) was raided by four men on 20 March. They ambushed the house-sitter when she opened the door to let the family dog out, tied the 47-year-old to the banisters and left her there. Among the valuables they stole are Endymion by George Frederic Watts and Apple Blossom (1899) by Sir George Clausen. What puzzles me is why the police failed to release this news until yesterday. Images can be zapped across cyberspace in an instant, why on earth wait nearly a week to get a graphic of Apple Blossom into the news? Also, Watts painted at least 3 different versions of Endymion. Hey, fuzz, get to grips. Which Endymion was stolen?


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